In these current, uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to know where every dollar is going – and to make the most of your booked services. While it’s not exactly a fun task, industry experts recommend re-evaluating business processes and expenses during this COVID crisis.

Here are 5 facts about RPC that might surprise you AND help your business navigate the challenges of COVID.
RPC’s subscription fee is $0
Yep, you read that right. FREE subscriptions with unlimited users. We think it’s imperative that event pros have a free, easy to use business and payment system during these crazy times. All we ask is that you provide your feedback so we can continue evolving our platform to better serve customers. If you are looking to cut expenses, now is the perfect time to try out RPC.
We offer one, flat payment processing fee
If you’ve accepted online payments before, you know they can be complicated and frustrating. Depending on the processor and payment type, there can be monthly fees, batch fees, and different fee structures for different amounts. It can be nearly impossible to determine what you’re going to receive on a credit card payment. With RPC, vendors have a flat, 2.5% processing fee. That’s for all online payments, all the time. Flat fees are predictable…and we could all use a little predictability these days, right?
Clients benefit from a free account + useful tools
With 88% of wedding planning done online, couples are in need of a digital system to streamline their payments, contracts, invoices, and vendors. RPC is completely free for clients. Here are a few features clients say they love about RPC:
- Viewing important documents from all vendors in one place
- Seeing a running total of payment methods so budgeting is easier
- Signing contracts online
- Getting reminders for upcoming payments
- Granting planner permissions to sign contracts and pay invoices on my behalf
Easy updates and refunds
Event pros are scrambling to push event dates back, change the scale of an event, or sadly, refund payments for cancelled events. With RPC, updating invoices couldn’t be easier. Edit an event date, amount, or payment structure in seconds. Refund a payment with the click of a button (literally).
We are event pros too
Most of the RPC team owns a wedding-related business, works events on the side, or has close family members/friends in the biz. We are all impacted by the COVID crisis and we are constantly looking for tools and resources to help our clients face the current challenges. Whether it’s a blog or podcast we came across, something a fellow colleague shared, or simply a word of encouragement, we will pass it along. Follow us on instagram and facebook for our latest tips. And if you ever have something specific you’d like help with, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you and if we don’t have an answer, we’ll find one!

Floral design by: Heirbloom Floral
Photo by: Sweetlife Photography