RPC Money Talks

Introducing RPC Money Talks: A monthly webinar series where industry pros dig deep and speak about ways to generate revenue and scale your business for years to come! These are not your typical industry webinars. RPC Money Talks are real, practical, and relevant conversations with event pros who have a powerful story to share. What can you expect?
- Valuable insights and tips from experienced event pros.
- Real-world examples of running and growing a business behind the scenes.
- The opportunity to ask straight up questions.
Dreaming of running a business with your better half? It sounds romantic (and it can be), but working side-by-side is not for the faint of heart. From blurred boundaries at home to creative clashes, navigating the personal and professional is tricky.
Join us for a lively, honest, and educational discussion with spouse teams who have found the secret sauce to balance and are thriving in the industry. Our experts are media pros, planners, florists, photographers, and videographers who know firsthand what it takes to turn “for better or worse” into “for profit and growth.”
Get ready for laughs, insights, and actionable takeaways that will help you blend your marriage and business - for better or worse!

rather watch on your time?
Head over to our youtube page to watch past webinar recordings. Look for names like Cheval, Todd Fiscus, Josh Spiegel and more!