Invoice Editing Made Easy: New Invoice Features from RPC

Exciting news from the RPC newsdesk! We’ve just released an update to invoicing that will bring more ease and efficiency to how you manage your billing. This March, we have added several useful new features to our invoice builder page to make your life easier and your invoices more professional-looking. 

Here’s what you need to know: 

Quick Fixes: Spotted an error on an unpaid invoice? No problem! Now you can easily modify contact information to ensure that everything is accurate using our new invoice features.

Drag and Drop (Desktop only): You know we love a well-organized invoice (because let’s be honest, doesn’t everyone?). You can now effortlessly rearrange line items for a polished look on your desktop.

Clear Descriptions: Want to give your clients the ultimate breakdown of their bill?  We’ve got you covered!! Provide specific descriptions, include product codes, or offer additional information to ensure your clients understand exactly what they’re paying for.

Save Drafts: If you’re short on time, save unfinished invoices as drafts and come back to them later, even if you don’t have a client or payment schedule in mind yet.

Decimal Precision: Need to bill for that half-hour consultation or the 10.5 miles you drove? You can now use decimals for your line item quantities. This ensures your invoices reflect the exact details of your services.

These new invoice feature updates will work for all your invoices, both old and new. Plus, your exports, emails, and events will automatically receive the upgrade. 

Email us at [email protected] with any questions! Get free trial from Rock Paper Coin here.

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