Nervous about accepting electronic payments?

We get it, change is hard. But change is also good. And our clients are changing at extremely rapid rates – hello, Millennials and Gen Z!  So we must also evolve and adjust to the new, high expectations of technologically savvy clients. We have to meet them where they are – on their phone or laptop with access to information 24/7. We have to move away from cash and check payments and offer seamless payment experiences with automations to ensure clients are getting immediate responses. We know it’s scary to overhaul your business practices, learn new systems, and trust your livelihood to a payment platform in the clouds. Cash used to be king…but electronic payments are the way of the future and RPC is here to help you every step of the way.

Digital payment processing fees are the new norm

Paying a processing fee when you are used to little to no fees is without doubt the toughest transition to going digital. We are small business owners too – and we watch every dollar that goes in and out of our businesses like hawks.  Here are a couple of facts that will hopefully put your mind at ease regarding fees.

1. RPC offers one of the lowest fees on the market

Yep, it’s true.  We offer a flat rate of 2.5%. Many other platforms are anywhere from 2.9% – 3.5%. And with other providers, there are a lot of hidden fees and confusing variables that make it hard to calculate what you’re actually paying per transaction. 

Check out our recent blog about surprising ways payment methods can cost you!

2. Gone are the days of waiting for cash or checks

Our invoices on average are paid within 48 hours. When was the last time a check was mailed and cleared that fast? While it may seem like a minor detail, having money in your pocket sooner saves significant time and money over the long run.

Clients expect a positive, digital experience

We know client expectations are at an all time high. We are now conditioned to expect not just decent but GREAT customer experiences because of amazing brands that cover all industries like Disneyland, Slack, Apple, Dropbox, Uber, and Chick-fil-A. Why would clients expect anything less when they are booking services for one of the most expensive items they will pay for in a lifetime? Check and cash payments not only detract from your brand – they also prevent a full-service experience for your clients. 

When you partner with RPC, your clients interact with a professional and intuitive platform to take care of their payments and contracts digitally, receive reminders, and access budget and event planning resources. Oh, and did we mention client accounts on RPC are 100% FREE?! RPC elevates the experience for your clients and makes you look good (not that you need any help in that area!) 

As the saying goes, “A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush.” Sign up and start getting paid faster – with a more reliable provider that brings value to both you and your clients. 

Starting getting paid today, sign up now!

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