Pricing Your Services: Covering the Cost of Software

By Emily Sumners-Tuipulotu of Timeline Genius

You already know the right software can elevate every aspect of your business, but the costs of these programs can add up. The solution seems simple: price your services to cover your expenses! But it’s not always that easy. 

You don’t want to overprice your services, but you also can’t afford for software to cut into your profits. So how do you strike the perfect balance? We’ve got great solutions to make sure you’ve got all the tools you need while keeping your cash flow in line. 

What Systems Should You Budget For?

Wedding pros have a host of options when it comes to software and tools. And what you need to run your backend will depend on where you’re at with your business and what kind of work you do (or want to do!). 

Here are a few popular types of software that you may want to consider adding to your systems and processes:

Pricing Tips for Wedding Pro Software

So it’s time to buy new software for your wedding business. Here’s some great news: you don’t have to pay a dime for it! Your clients will be covering the entire cost. 

But don’t worry, these aren’t just added fees for people to pay – your clients will get a lot of value out of these programs as well. They’ll enjoy peace of mind, an easier experience, a more thorough planning process, and a more skilled and professional planner. You can also promote these tools in your sales processes to show your potential clients how you can add additional value to them.

1. Look at the Full Cost

You know to spread the cost of your overhead across all your bookings. But don’t forget to cover your time learning it, any technology you’ll need to use it to its fullest, and templates you’ll want to get started.

Still, all these elements won’t compare to the cost of hiring someone to do all the work this software is doing for you. And the right clients will pay the right price for you – even if it’s higher than you’re used to charging!

2. Only Invest In The Tools You Need

There are endless tools available to wedding pros, and each one may offer something you’re interested in. But if you invest in every single software, you’re wasting everyone’s time and money.

Yes, it’s a fine line between improving efficiency with the right tools and destroying your productivity and profits with a host of software that doesn’t properly serve you or your clients. Instead, create a software stack that’s essential for your business. 

3. Know Your Value

If you’re looking to invest in software and tools, you’re likely at a point in your business where you’re receiving a good number of bookings. People are seeking you out and valuing your services. 

Still, self doubt creeps in, tempting you to fear a price increase. Raising rates is a normal part of doing business, and you should do so confidently as you embrace your value to clients – a value that will only increase as you use tools that can provide a better service to them. 

When you price based on your value and the tools you need, you’ll attract more of your ideal clients, find more financial freedom, and feel proud of the work you do. 

Emily Sumners-Tuipulotu is the podcast manager and copywriter for Timeline Genius, a smart software that streamlines the planning process for wedding planners and partner of Rock Paper Coin. Access your free trial of Timeline Genius here, or log in directly from your RPC account. Use code RPC20 to receive 20% OFF ANY Timeline Genius plan or package!

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