RPC Unfiltered
- Valuable insights and tips from experienced event pros.
- Real-world examples of running a business behind the scenes.
- The opportunity to ask straight up questions.
Up next for September
You've dedicated countless hours to marketing. You've invested in courses, attended classes, and purchased templates promising results, yet despite your effort, you've got low engagement and no sales. The hard truth: your current marketing plan is missing the mark and you're shooting right for the trash can.
Don't worry, we can get you out of this! You've seen her making a buzz around the industry and she's not holding back about what she's seeing. Join Adrienna from Ava + The Bee as she fires off about what strategies she is tired of seeing educators throw out to pros like you and what she would rather see you spend your time (and money) on instead.
Whether you’re a planner, florist, photographer, caterer, venue owner, or any small business pro in between - walk away with REAL actionable insights and strategies that will drive real progress just in time for booking season.
rather watch on your time?
Head over to our youtube page to watch past webinar recordings. Look for names like Cheval, Todd Fiscus, Josh Spiegel and more!