RPC Blog

Aug 12 2020

Creating and sending invoices on Rock Paper Coin is EASY

We use the words “simple” and “easy” a lot. “Simple is best.” “We simplify the paperwork”. “Easy way to process contracts and invoices.” And when we’re feeling extra feisty, we throw in “easy peasy.” But ...
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Jul 30 2020

Now is the time for a tech audit of your business

We know the word ‘audit’ causes most creatives to cringe but with the COVID-19 crisis - and the changes its forced event businesses to make - there is no room for error with our tech ...
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Jul 15 2020

You asked. We listened.

It’s important to us that we grow and evolve the RPC platform to be what our users want it to be. Sure, we have grand ideas and an exciting product roadmap laying out new features ...
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Jul 2 2020

Take control of your email

6 email tips that you should start following now! Emails are more important now than ever. With face to face meetings cancelled for the foreseeable future, written and virtual communication are our only methods for ...
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Jun 4 2020

Women-led companies are good for business

Rock Paper Coin is extremely proud to be women-owned and led! Sadly, in the tech industry, only 5% of startups are owned by women. And even more shocking is the lack of racial diversity. According ...
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May 18 2020

Keep the kids busy during quarantine!

Running out of ways to entertain the kiddos at home? We’ve got 6 fun and easy ideas to keep them busy and learning new things! 1. Do a virtual trip to the zoo Many zoos ...
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May 8 2020

Favorite celebrity mom quotes in honor of Mother’s Day!

A lot of the advice spinning around in our heads - and likely our subconscious - is stuff we heard from our moms. We want to celebrate Mother’s Day by sharing some uplifting advice and ...
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Apr 30 2020

Rock Paper Coin in the news!

With businesses closed and social distancing still in full-swing, the RPC team is focusing on creative ways to stay connected with the event community we love. We are joining forces with event organizations and industry ...
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Apr 14 2020

5 ways RPC can help your business during the COVID crisis

In these current, uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to know where every dollar is going - and to make the most of your booked services. While it's not exactly a fun task, industry ...
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home desk

Apr 6 2020

5 tips the RPC Team has for working from home

The work from home life has its share of positives - sleeping a little later, sporting activewear (or let’s be real, pajamas) the entire day, doing a few loads of laundry in-between calls or meetings, ...
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